Faking the Feelings of Fall


I’ve dreaded this day. The cold is coming, and that is a terrible thought.





My secret photographer: My trusty Nikon shutter remote & my falling down tripod

(not pictured, he’s camera shy)

TIP: Don’t buy the Amazon version, it has way too short of wireless range for a 50mm lens.

 Despite my misgivings about the day, and the actual temperature,  I pulled together a fall outfit. While I continue to hate the idea of fall, today’s gloomy but cozy setting was pretty ideal. Looking at these photos now I realize that today was a decidedly causal day. I guess that’s what sneakers will do to an outfit, and refusing to get out my jammies. I will say it was worth it, gosh was I comfy all day. These poor beautiful sneakers have been waiting patiently on my shelf. Looks like I just needed the reminder that cold weather will eventually happen to give up the fight of not wearing socks.

I’ve been die hard into summer and stubborn about its disappearance. Currently, two full outfit photo shoots reside waiting to be dealt with in my lightroom and in neither of them am I wearing any shoes! An accident, but certainly shows my feelings: Who needs shoes when the sun is shining.

October, and coincidentally fall, bring an exciting number of projects and ideas to my little patch of world. Since I finished school I have missed the grand changes a season can bring. This fall I am completely embracing the new sense of purpose that has slowly been building. I’m gonna make some awesome shit and tote around my camera and hopefully step out of my comfort zone. Cause everything is awesome. Stellar movie, by the way.

JCP Sweater / F21 Skirt / Awesome Jockey leggings (Ross) / Target Sneakers / Nikon Remote